Join UK 5 as a Mentor

Register as a mentor

For mentors, it means mentoring is a unique opportunity to...

  • Develop new perspectives and game plans for creating change for the future

  • Inspiring others to move forward with confidence, to be their best selves

  • Build new connections and pay it forward to the next generation of women

Read more about what’s in it for you.

The Thrive mentoring journey consists of >>

  • 6 one-on-one Mentoring sessions, 60-90 mins each

  • You will be invited to 3 in-person events: A launch event where we match you with the mentee, a power networking event, and the closure and celebration event. In addition, we facilitate pulse checks and peer mentoring calls. You will also be invited to our Alumni events.

  • As a Thrive mentor, you will have access to on-demand mentoring skills training using the platform.

  • You get access to interactive sessions with our star mentors as they share tried and tested best practices, skills, and more.

  • A Certificate for Successful Completion of your Mentoring relationship.


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