Unstoppable Me
Live from Thrive
Take over a thousand women.
Give them courage.
Endow them with confidence.
Sharpen them with self-belief.
Arm them with the superpower of mentoring.
And what do you have?
A thriving community of Unstoppable women.
Women who have shrugged off stereotypes, who have challenged adversity, and who have come out on top as winners. Their stories need to be written, basked in, and shared. And that’s what Thrive with Mentoring proposes to do. Self-publish a book titled “Unstoppable Me” that captures the success stories of its global mentoring community.
So who would be writing these stories? You, of course! You, dear Mentor, Mentee, Cohort Lead, Project Lead, and Associate are the heroine of your story. And we can’t wait to feature you in our book. You have built your career, your future, and Thrive too. It’s time your story is told.
By sharing your story you will be enlightening young women professionals on the need for mentoring. You will be inspiring senior women to give back to the collective business community as Mentors. You will be encouraging women across the globe to be better versions of themselves. You are on your way to changing the world for innumerable women.
So what are you waiting for? Whether you are an existing or former mentoring pair, connect with your Mentor/ Mentee and write on your joint mentoring journey. Excited? There’s lots more. Thrive Cohort Leads, Project Leads, and Associates are also invited to be part of this first-of-its-kind book by writing about their journeys and partnerships with Thrive. We plan to publish the book in January 2023. Now isn’t that a great way to welcome the new year?
We will support you through the entire process of writing, editing, and publishing. Download this workbook to get a ready-made structure for your book where YOU are the MAIN CHARACTER!
§ If you are a Thrive Mentor/Mentee you have 2 options:
You can have a joint submission with your mentoring partner and submit a story on your mentoring journey. Your story can chart how your relationship developed, the highlights, and where you are today
You can write an individual story based on how you experienced being a mentor/mentee - how you developed and what you learned in the relationship.
§ if you are a Cohort Lead or a Project Lead
please write to us about your experience of participating in the teams you worked with (maybe a joint piece as a cohort leadership team or a project team)
An individual piece of how you developed through your volunteering experience.
Your submission can be in the form of a personal essay, opinion piece, life story, or interview. We’re flexible like that.
Yes and no. We have an idea of what we would like to see in a published story. Various formats are possible
§ Situation, Complication, resolution, learning
§ A Heroines journey ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heroine%27s_journey)
§ 1000 words for individual submissions
§ 1500 words for mentoring pairs or cohort/project leadership teams
Once a written piece has been accepted for publication we put it through an editorial process that ensures its conformity to house style (capitalization, punctuation, etc.) and the best practice of good English usage. Changes in the written piece will be at the discretion of the internal and external Editorial teams, and the final version will be e-mailed to the author/s for approval before publication.
Thrive with Mentoring reserves the right to make final decisions in all cases to ensure that we meet our publishing deadlines.
Every woman who wants to shine in her career will enjoy reading your story and be inspired by it.
The book will enlighten, encourage, and empower women who are professionals as they discover stories of challenge and triumph in the workplace.
We will keep you updated on the availability of the book both as a soft copy and as a paperback. We will make it readily available through major distributors like Amazon amongst others.
Copyright of the book and its entire content, and the associated website and its content will be owned by Thrive with Mentoring. The contributors will be given credit for their stories in the book and/or the book website.
Writing Guidelines
The submissions can be sent directly via e-mail or sent as replies to queries in the given Google form. To download the form click here. The soft copy version of the book will be published in January 2023. Now isn’t that a great way to welcome the new year?
To standardize the written pieces, the Editorial Team of Thrive has put together guidelines that need to be followed for submissions and publishing in “Unstoppable Me” or on the website dedicated to the book: