Join Paris Cohort as a Mentor

Register as a mentor

For mentors, it means mentoring is a unique opportunity to...

  • Develop new perspectives and game plans for creating change for the future

  • Inspiring others to move forward with confidence, to be their best selves

  • Build new connections and pay it forward to the next generation of women

Read more about what’s in it for you.

The Thrive mentoring journey consists of >>

  • Thrive Peer Mentoring Circles take place once a month. Peer mentoring is a powerful tool for personal and professional development. At Thrive, we believe that every Mentor has unique insights and experiences that, when shared, can light the path for peers. We aim to foster an environment where mentors can learn from each other, reflecting on their challenges and aspirations to unlock new levels of understanding and action.

  • You will be invited to 3 in-person events: A launch event where we match you with the mentee, a power networking event, and the closure and celebration event. In addition, we facilitate pulse checks and peer mentoring calls. You will also be invited to our Alumni events.

  • As a Thrive mentor, you will have access to on-demand mentoring skills training using the platform.

  • You get access to interactive sessions with our star mentors as they share tried and tested best practices, skills, and more.

  • A Certificate for Successful Completion of your Mentoring relationship.

  • 6 one-on-one Mentoring sessions, 60-90 mins each

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